Questions and Answers

Q - Why do 40 or less frames cost so much to extract?

        A - Regardless of the number of frames extracted, the cleanup process and time expended to clean up afterwards are the same.  

Q - My actual honey harvest was more or less than the estimated weight, why?

        A - The estimated weights are average weights for fully capped deep and medium super frames. Your frames may have more or less honey due to how your bees worked your frames.

Q - I live outside your 25 mile circle, will you still come to my apiary?

        A - Contact me via the email address listed on my Contact Us Page. Be sure to include the full address of your apiary and I can give you an on-site fee if the distance is not too great.

Q - So you just show up and do everything?

        A- The pricing for extraction is for uncapping and extraction only. It DOES NOT include clearing bees from your supers and removing supers from your hives.

Q - Do I get a discount if my frames are only partially filled?

        A - If you choose to have a frame extracted, you will be charged for that frame as if it were full. The time involved and the process does not change, the amount of honey extracted DOES change.  You may wish to freeze partially capped frames and return them to your bees in the spring.

Q - I'd like to learn more about the process of extracting honey. Can I help?

        A - You are more than welcome to observe the entire process or assist with some phases of the process.

Q - I don't have anything to put the extracted honey in.

        A - Please let me know ahead of time how many pounds of honey you estimate to be extracted. (my Pricing Page will estimate your honey yield) Please let me know if you need buckets and/or honey jars. I will bring them and can sell them to you at time of extraction.  FOOD GRADE buckets or containers are  REQUIRED to hold your honey during extraction. Bottles can not be filled directly from the extractor. You will need enough buckets to hold your ENTIRE harvest.

Q - Will I get every drop of my honey?

        A - After your last frames are harvested, I will scrape down the extractor and remove as much honey as possible.  There will be some slight residual honey left which will only  get removed during the wash down.  You won't get EVERY drop, but almost.

Q - Do I need to provide electrical power?

        A - If you have electric available I have extension cords.  If not,  I have a power generator that will supply all the power I need. I will need to  place it about 40 ft from the trailer.  

Q - Do I need to provide water?

        A - There is no water needed during the extraction process. I do use water to fully clean the equipment,  but that is not done on-site.